Duke – An Energy Champion Plant

Duke is an Energy Saver Now Champion

Duke Manufacturing, Co. has received an Energy Champion award for achieving more than 250,000 million Btu total energy savings or more than 15% total energy savings and reporting progress on schedule.
As a past award recipient of for making significant progress in implementing the energy savings opportunities identified through a Save Energy Now energy assessment. In total, the award recipients achieved more than $47 million in cost savings and 6.4 trillion Btu in total energy savings.
About Save Energy Now
Duke Manufacturing, Co. completed a Save Energy Now energy assessment with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) in 2008. Save Energy Now is a national initiative to reduce industrial energy intensity 25% or more in 10 years. Companies nationwide can partner with DOE, participate in no-cost energy assessments, and use ITP’s proven resources to reduce energy use and improve efficiency, while increasing profits.
Duke Manufacturing, Co. worked with a [DOE Energy Expert or university-based team] to assess key industrial process systems and identify cost-saving opportunities. By implementing the recommended actions, Duke Manufacturing, Co. is reducing our nation’s energy use and shrinking our carbon footprint in the near term.

Save Energy Now Facts and Figures (as of September 2009)
Number of assessments completed: nearly 2,400
Annual implemented savings:
Trillion Btu
Million metric tons
Note: These numbers are updated monthly on the Save Energy Now results Web page at http://eere.energy.gov/industry/saveenergynow/partners/results.cfm
Save Energy Now Website: http://eere.energy.gov/industry/saveenergynow
Save Energy Now recognition Web page: http://eere.energy.gov/industry/saveenergynow/recognition.html