Everyone - HR Duke


For Everyone

  • Mid-Year insurance changes are only available through a life change event. These changes must be done within 30 days of the event and require documentation. (Examples include new marriage, new child born)
  • If you are enrolling dependents, you will need social security number and birth dates. You will also need a marriage license for your spouse and birth certificates for your child(ren). Provide these documents to HR.
  • Every full-time employee at Duke is offered robust benefits options.
  • Every full-time employee at Duke gets a basic life insurance plan which is completely paid for by Duke Manufacturing Company.
  • Every full-time employee is offered additional life insurance coverage should they choose to pay for it. You are required to complete the medical form (PHA) every single time you choose to request a coverage increase after your very first benefit enrollment date. Requesting/increasing voluntary life coverage will require you to complete a medical form that will be submitted to the benefit provider for approval.
  • IN MISSOURI 401K BENEFICIARY MUST BE YOUR SPOUSE at 100%. If you choose someone other than your spouse you will need to complete all 4 pages of the beneficiary form and have your spouse sign the form in front of a notary. (Most banks have a notary available)


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